Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Big Day Box Launched their new quarterly subsription today!!!!!

My Big Day Box has launched their quarterly subscription information today!!! Link provided above. My Big Day Box was formerly a monthly subscription service ran by Stephanie and Daniel, a woman and her fiancé. Stephanie has told me it has always been her dream to bring beauty, health and fitness to women all over and her fiancé is helping her realize this. In my opinion they have the best customer service out there for a subscription service, going above and beyond anything I've seen; connecting with their customers on a personal level, listening to what we want and need. They're very honest and open and always happy to answer any questions we have.

I'm very excited about their new quarterly sub, the way they've set it up. They're not just going to send out products for a quarter then disappear. They plan to stay with the customer all the way, providing a "boot camp" for the season, tutorials on how to use the products they send and offering live boot camps in several states through out the season!! Stephanie has always made herself available for questions and I'm sure this will continue with the new boxes.

The price for the winter box is $79 dollars for a standard winter box that includes 8-11 products and beauty lessons and much more and $89 dollars for a deluxe box that includes 8-11 products, a fashion accessory and a handbag.

They're also offering grab bags for sale right now on their new website for $29 with free shipping. These include items from the previous bags in case you missed out on them. I'm excited for this as well. I use the product "The Eyes Have it" every night and my eyes have never looked better. The dark circles I've fought with my entire life have lightened dramatically. That product alone is $100, and it's included in the grab bag. I might just have to order one of those as well!!

Check them out, give them a wont be disappointed!!!! Use the link above to go to their site and pre-order yours today!!!

Life is a gift!! Open it, Live it!!!!

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